Emission Angles of Photons in
a Square Ring Resonator

Figure 1: Geometry of mirror center locations, r,
after rotation by angle a=wt where w is the rotation rate and t is time. The angle arcsin(h/ct) is the angle that the
particle must be emitted from mirror n to arrive at the center of mirror n+1
when it travels at speed of light c.
The equation that must be solved to find the time of
traversal from mirror n to mirror n+1 is the following:
This equation is easily solved by the iterative
Newton-Raphson method where
where t0
is an initial guess of the actual solution and f' '(t) is the derivative of f
with respect to t:
An adequate initial guess can be
It should be noted that the above calculation works for equilateral
resonators with any number of mirrors, nM,
greater than or equal to 3 just by replacing π/4 by π /nM.