Cam and follower design

The cam that is designed here is made up of 2 circles with tangent lines between them to form the perimeter as shown below

If we use the equation


It turns out that the angle f is given by the equation:



Therefore, the cam is circular of radius a between angles p/2- f and 3 p /2+ f, linear between the latter location and (x0+bsin(f),-bcos(f)), circular of radius b between this latter location and (x0+bsin(f),bcos(f)) and then linear between this latter location and (asin(f),acos(f)).  


Now I illustrate the cam rotated by angle y.  The cam follower is also shown.  The center of the cam follower roller always remains on the x axis so that its coordinates are (xc,0). A large part of the subsequent math is involved in computing xc. and the points of tangency between the cam and follower. First I show the case where the follower (of radius c) is tangent to the b circle of the cam.  That means that the two radii of these circles are parallel as shown.


Note that

From this equation I can obtain the angle b:

And from b I can obtain the equation for the center of circle c:

The point of tangency of the c and b circles can also be found:


Finding the point of tangency between the c circle and the 2 straight lines is a bit more involved.  Note that the radius of the c circle is going to be perpendicular to this line. Also note that the slope of the originally bottom line will be y+f.  To do the computation, for the originally bottom line, I must first compute the distance, r, from the start of the line on circle a to the tangency point..


Then the intersection is:

Similarly, the location of the center of circle c is:


Similar expressions exist for the intersection of the follower with the top line. 


For the tangency of circle c with circle a, the y component is always 0 and the x component is always a.  That means that the center of the c circle is always at xc=a+c.